About The Roaring Spork
We’re a husband and wife duo who enjoy cooking up tasty vegan creations, doodling food and animal coloring pages, and blogging about the plant based lifestyle. Our blog, the Roaring Spork, is a nod to the Roaring Fork Valley in Colorado.

My interest in cooking started with late night sessions of Alton Brown’s Good Eats and Iron Chef, where I watched as random ingredients turned into delicious and spectacular final products. I fell into working in restaurant kitchens throughout high school and college for no better reason than liking the free food. Learning how to prep, organize, cook and serve was just part of the job.
As I got older, I decided I should channel what I had learned into cooking for myself at home and realized that entailed so much more than just grocery shopping and cooking meals. I started to recognize that the act of cooking was a whole process that meant understanding where my food came from, how our food system works (as well as how unsustainable the current model is), and how best to prepare my ingredients so that my time, money and efforts weren’t wasted.
Today, I’m a full fledged food nerd, eagerly reading cookbooks cover to cover, cultivating and expanding our home garden, experimenting with fermentation of all varieties, and generally keeping myself, Tiff, our dogs, and anyone else who wanders through fed. I deeply hope you enjoy what we have to offer here and learn a thing or two along the way.
Food is Love, Pizza is Life!
Eight years ago while in college I watched Blackfish then proceeded to go on a “how our food is produced” documentary binge. I decided I would be vegan that night. I donated my remaining chicken breasts to my roommate and largely survived off raw veggies and beans for a week, crying in a fit of frustration when I drove home with Taco Bell only to find out there was cheese in my burrito. Now that eight years have passed living a vegan lifestyle it’s no longer painful to decide what to eat or to shop for vegan clothes and products.
We have a joke in my family that Schooley’s can’t relax – when we’re not working we’re shaping our to-do lists with hobbies and creating more work for ourselves. Roaring Spork is my passion project and combines the things I love most: caring for our planet, respecting all creatures, creating content, and cooking with Ian. I hope our content inspires you to live a more passionate lifestyle.
Peace, love and tofu.